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Mass media about us

Article “Complex Chemistry”, Perm Business Journal No. 9 2024

07.08.2024. TV program on electronic gas production by "Perm Chemical  Company  LLC" aired on the TV Channel Russia 2

Live program on the Channel Russia 2, production of the TV Company Vetta

27.05.2024. 27 – 29 april 2024 г. "Perm Chemical  Company  LLC" took participation in the collective exposition of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on the exhibition CPhI Russia 2015 in Moscow, Pavilion No. 75 of the All-Russia Exhibition Center (Exhibition of Economic Achievements) - the biggest event of the global pharmaceutical industry.

At this forum, "Perm Chemical  Company  LLC" presented its opportunities in customized fine chemical synthesis for the needs of the pharmaceutical industry of Russia.

Press release of CPhI-PhEB

Press release of LLC “PCC”

12.04.2024. TECHNOPARK TV program on production of electronic gases by LLC “Perm Chemical Company”

“Technopark” TV Program on the air of the Channel Russia 24: “PCC”: electronic gases

11.12.2023. General Director of LLC “Perm Chemical Company” Nesterov Aleksei Gennadievich took participation in the TV program “Lobby Hall” on the TV Channel Russia 2


“Lobby Hall” Program on the air on the Channel Russia 2, Production of the TV Company Vetta

13.09.2023. "Perm Chemical  Company  LLC" was recognized as one of the leaders in the industry of high-tech complex chemical production and introduction of innovative technologies:


“...... "Perm Chemical  Company  LLC", organized on the basis of the plant “Iodobrom” being the bankrupt at one time,  now is recognized the innovative enterprise for production of specialty chemicals: electronic gases, intermediates for pharmaceutical production and complex customized chemicals. Products that are quite complex in the synthesis require highly-skilled staff, special equipment and permanent scientific developments. “I would like to point out that about 80 % of our production is exported to Japan, United States and European countries,” says CEO of PCC Aleksei Nesterov. In future the company is going to increase the number of Russian clients, primarily in the field of microelectronics. “We want to master a range of products for the needs of production of the latest-generation drugs, we are exploring the possibility of production of high-tech products for space and aviation industries,” Aleksei Nesterov shares his plans ....”

Full text of the article may be viewed at the link below:
Newspaper “Izvestia”
Article “Starting to the West!”


23.12.2022. "Perm Chemical  Company  LLC" became the laureate of the Russian High-Technology Fast-Growing Companies Rating “TekhUspekh”, included in the top 100 best companies.

Journal “Expert”
Article “The Middle Class of Technological Business”
Overall rating of top-100 companies

TV programs about our production:

“Technopark” Program
Live program on the Channel Russia 24
Production of the Production Center NVP Production
“Perm Chemical Company”: New lease of life of the plant

“News” Program
Live program on the Channel Russia 2
Production of the TV Company Vetta
“How to turn science into business”

“News” Program
Live program on the Channel REN TV
Production of the TV Company Rifey
“Grant from Skolkovo”

The production facilities are located in the specialized chemical district of the city of Perm in the industrialized region of Russia - Perm Region. 5 industrial buildings, over 10 infrastructural facilities, including warehouse, repair and facilities, chemical waste neutralization station, analytical and technological laboratories are located on its own secured area with total 15 ha. Reactors, modular and laboratory facilities allow to produce the finished products in quantities from a few grams to several hundred tons, depending on the needs of the Customer.

High professionalism of our scientists and production engineers ensures precise observance of the delivery terms and quality of the supplied products. The total number of our employees is more than 250 persons. All key employees have higher and specialized secondary education.

We are licensed to work with toxic and harmful chemicals, to work with explosive substances.

We are ready to consider various schemes of cooperation on mutually beneficial terms.

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