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- Vacancies
Salary 21,000 RUB
regular employment, social safety net, work experience
Engineer-Laboratory Technician
Salary 17,000 RUB
regular employment, higher education, shift work, social safety net, work experience
Chemical Analysis Laboratory Assistant
Salary 19,000 RUB
regular employment, shift work, social safety net, work experience
Service Technician
Salary 25,000 - 27,000 RUB
experience of technological equipment repair, regular employment, vocational education, social safety net, work experience
Service Technician (On-Call)
Salary 23,000 - 25,000 RUB
experience of technological equipment repair, regular employment, vocational education, social safety net, work experience
Salary from 16,000 RUB
regular employment, social safety net
For questions of employment, please contact the personnel department by the following contact data:
phone: 8 (342) 251-79-57